First United Methodist Church, Demopolis


Our morning worship services are held at 8:45am and 11:00am. The 8:45 service features contemporary music and a casual atmosphere in the Fellowship Hall. Join us at 8:15 for a light breakfast and gathering time.  The 11:00 service meets in the Sanctuary and features traditional music and liturgy. Both services have the same message and friendly members seeking to worship and fellowship with the Body of Christ.

Nursery for infants and toddlers and Children’s Church are provided for children age 3-Kindergarten during both services.

Sunday school is offered between services, beginning at 10:00am, with classes for all ages!


The Purpose of the First United Methodist Church of Demopolis, Alabama is:

To celebrate God’s presence in Worship;

To lead people into a personal and growing relationship with Christ;

To empower God’s people for service and fellowship through His grace and love.